The Story
Professor Layton receives a letter from an old friend and mentor, Dr Andrew Schrader.
‘After years of searching, the elusive Pandora’s Box is finally in my possession.
Initially, it was my intention to finish my research before daring to open its lid.
But I must confess that my curiosity is simply overpowering.
In the unlikely event that anything should happen to me,
please finish the work I’ve started here.’
Understandably concerned,
Professor Layton and his assistant Luke set off to visit Schrader at once.
Sadly, however, they are too late…
Pandora’s Box… Said to claim the lives of any foolish enough to lift its lid.
Could the beautiful box genuinely be cursed?
Or is there some Machiavellian miscreant at play?
The box itself has disappeared from Schrader’s flat.
What the professor and Luke do discover, however,
is a stamped ticket for the Molentary Express.
Could the ticket be some kind of message from beyond the grave?
Following their only lead, Layton and Luke board the luxury
train and begin a puzzle-laden adventure that leads them deep
into the unexpected.